The chips are by-product of wood sawing.
Depending on the quality and specie of this chips, it will be sold in paper mill, panel mill or energy plant.

Pulpwood is a log with less quality which could not be used by the sawmills.
Depending the quality and specie of the log sold to papermill, panel mill, and energy plant.

The biggest logs are the part from the trunck of the tree and are much longer (abt 20m)
These logs can be cut on smaller length depending the sawmills requirements.

Biomass comes from diverses sources:
– Forest slash from our harvesting department
– Wood chips non-useable by industry
– Forest chips
– Sawdust
– Bark
SAPIN buys and sells biomass in BeNeLux, Germany, France and East countries.
Should you have any demand, don’t hesitate to contact our sales.

Sawdust comes mainly from sawmills and des papermills.
Nearly everything is used by pellet producers SAPIN buys and sells sawdust.
Should you have any demand, don’t hesitate to contact our sales.

Bark mainly comes from papermills.
A distinction should be made between bark from softwood and bark from hardwood. Nearly everything is used by bioenergy producers.
SAPIN buys and sells bark. Should you have any demand, don’t hesitate to contact our sales.